Um fyrirlesturinn

Don't miss out a exclusive workshop the 29th of January with Peter Hård a Certified Professional Coach and Trainer that works primarily with senior executives and teams.

Seats are limited to 20.

Peter is the founder of Talent Sweden – an executive search and coaching company. Peter has been a certified coach since 2003 and has more than 6.000 hours of experience coaching teams and executives. Peter is also and Instructional designer and leadership development trainer. 

He is known for his results focused coaching. His clients often refer to his curiosity and challenging style in coaching. His humor, patience, endurance and seniority is highly appreciated by his clients, partners and training participants, who often return for his services.

About the workshop:

  • Introduction and platform for the delivery
  • Background on teams and groups, why do we have them? How do they differ?
  • How team coaching them can have a real sustainable effect on performance
  • What is team coaching and what not: How team coaching is different and similar to individual coaching – core competences and delivery
  • Team assessments and Team Performance Indicators
  • A Team Coaching process
  • The Team Coach role and Team Coaching skills necessary for success
  • What is usually in the way for team performance? Field experiences
  • Co facilitation – the power of a coaching team
  • Teambuilding v/s Team Coaching
  • Team Coaching experientials
  • To become a team coach

„Just because they are in a management group or call ourselves a team, many groups are not teams but just… groups.“

How a team coach works with the journey from a working group to high-performing team, will be explained by Peter Hård, who has worked with multicultural management groups for the past 13 years.

The difference between a group and team can mean 20-50% improvement in efficiency, increased results, reduced conflicts and increased joint responsibility, sometimes even more. So what is the difference and how do we bridge it and how do we make the team and its behavior sustainable?

In recent years, Peter has worked as Director and Leadership Solutions Faculty at the Center for Creative Leadership in Brussels. He is a highly experienced executive team coach and leadership developer and has, over the past 12 years, worked with over 130 management teams in 30 countries in Europe, China and the Middle East. Customers include Astra Zeneca, BCG, Coca Cola, Electrolux, Essity, Ericsson, IPA SaudiArabia, Philips, Stora Enso, Zalando, State of Oman,  Swedish Migration Agency and others

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